August 13, 2024

7 Top AI Architectural Tools of 2024

Ari Baranian
Ari Baranian
CEO & Co-founder of Pirros
AI architectural tools

How do you build an efficient architectural design process without adding even more work to your plate? If you still haven't integrated innovative AI tools into your workflow, you're missing out. 

As tech-driven innovations edge closer to the architectural mainstream, a fundamental shift is underway. What was once a periphery offering is now morphing into an indispensable core competency – namely, the indispensable AI-powered tools that form the backbone of modern design.

But with hundreds of AI tools to choose from, which ones can truly make a difference? Here are the 7 best tools that can help you flesh out your innovative design ideas in no time:

1. Pirros: Detail Management

Pirros is the #1 solution in the AEC industry for detail management.

This nifty tool ensures every detail your firm designs that could be valuable to reference or reuse in the future is accounted for and easily accessible, significantly cutting down on the time you spend searching for information.

It's like having a personal assistant for your project, making sure you stay on top of everything and nothing slips through the cracks. With Pirros, you can focus more on designing and less time on repeating work that your firm has already done.

Best Features:

  • Automatic Upload: Upload all your details with 3 clicks - automatically categorized and searchable
  • Search Engine: Search engine built specifically to find details - search through metadata and text on details. Ability to add custom abbreviations
  • Intuitive interface: Navigate the software like a pro, thanks to its simple and easy-to-use design.
  • Project Analysis: Automated suggestions on which details to vet by analyzing which details have been used on the most projects
  • Revit integration: Download your details into your Revit project with just a few clicks - no need to wait for a model to load or upgrade
  • Thorough documentation: Keep comprehensive records of all project details to make sure nothing is missed.
  • Real-time updates and alerts: Get instant notifications about any changes or issues.


  • Efficiency: Automating detail management and production frees up your time for more creative tasks.
  • Quality: Reduce errors with Pirros' thorough detail-checking leading to fewer RFIs in the field
  • Standardization: Create more consistency and standardization across your projects which leads to a better final product

2. Generative Design

With, design limitations disappear, as the tool masterfully generates fresh ideas that perfectly align with your creative goals. Simply set your criteria, and watch as generates a range of creative solutions.

Picture this: a partner that fuels your creativity 24/7, infusing your design journey with a dynamic burst of fresh ideas that never fail to thrill.


  • Design variations: Generate multiple design options based on your input.
  • Customizable parameters: Tailor the design process to meet your specific needs.
  • Collaboration tools: Work seamlessly with your team, sharing ideas and feedback in real-time.


  • Creativity: Explore a wide range of design possibilities.
  • Time-saving: Quickly generate design options to speed up the design process.
  • Collaboration: Improve teamwork with real-time collaboration features.

Use Cases:

  • Conceptual designs: Quickly explore different concepts and ideas.
  • Architectural projects: Generate innovative designs for various types of architectural projects.
  • Urban planning: Create multiple urban design options to find the best solution.

3. Schematic Designs

Imagine slicing hours, even days, of the initial stages of your architectural projects. That's what brings to the table–faster, more efficient design creation. This innovative tool aids in producing detailed and accurate plans to provide a solid foundation for any project.

This design process revamp paves the way for a seamless project kickoff, which sets the stage for success from day one.


  • Quick schematic generation: Produce schematics swiftly to jumpstart your design process.
  • Accurate dimensioning: Make sure your plans are precise and reliable, even with intricate architectural elements.
  • Integration with other design tools: Easily import and export files between and other software.


  • Speed: Quickly generate detailed schematics, saving you time.
  • Precision: Ensure accuracy in your initial designs, reducing errors later on.
  • Compatibility: Seamlessly integrate with your existing design tools.

Use Cases:

  • Initial project planning: Start your projects on the right foot with detailed schematics.
  • Collaboration with engineers: Share precise plans that engineers can work with easily.
  • Client presentations: Provide clients with clear and accurate schematic designs.
home construction

4. Midjourney: Concept Design

Midjourney is a powerhouse during the concept phase of your architectural projects, supercharging your ability to visualize and tweak ideas with ease. This tool acts like a creative catalyst that lets you spin up various design scenarios quickly.

With Midjourney, you're not just sketching out ideas. You're exploring an entire landscape of possibilities, making sure that no stone is left unturned before you pinpoint the perfect design. 

It's the ultimate partner for architects who want to push the envelope and see their vision evolve in real-time.


  • Architectural visualization: Turn your initial ideas into visual representations.
  • Interactive design interface: Easily tweak and refine your concepts in real-time.
  • Collaboration tools: Share and develop ideas with your team seamlessly.


  • Inspiration: Quickly bring your ideas to life and explore various design options.
  • Flexibility: Make real-time adjustments to your concepts with ease.
  • Teamwork: Upgrade collaboration with features that let your team contribute and refine ideas together.

Use Cases:

  • Early design phases: Develop and visualize concepts rapidly.
  • Client presentations: Showcase different design options to clients.
  • Team brainstorming: Collaborate on design ideas and refine them in real-time.

5. Architechtures: Residential Planning

Looking for a tool that handles everything from the ground up in home design? Architechtures is a great solution. 

In one cohesive system, you'll find a powerful ally for designing and planning homes. From the initial spark of creativity to the complex details of interior design, every aspect is accounted for.

Architects, you now have a single platform that streamlines the entire design process and turns your creative vision into stunning, functional spaces. Whether you're drafting floor plans or picking out fixtures, Architechtures has got you covered every step of the way.


  • Residential layout planning: Create detailed and optimized floor plans.
  • Interior design integration: Plan interiors with a wide range of customization options.
  • Real-time 3D visualization: Visualize your designs in 3D to make it easier to see the final product.


  • Comprehensive planning: Handle all aspects of residential design in one place.
  • Visualization: Real-time 3D views help you and your clients better understand the designs.
  • Customization: Tailor every detail to meet client preferences.

Use Cases:

  • New home designs: Plan and design new residential projects from scratch.
  • Renovations: Update existing homes with new layouts and designs.
  • Client presentations: Show clients detailed and realistic representations of their future homes.

6. Sidewalk Labs: Urban Planning

Sidewalk Labs is a standout tool for urban planners, loaded with features that streamline the design and management of large-scale projects. 

Urban planning can be incredibly challenging without the right tools due to the complexity of coordinating various elements like infrastructure, public spaces, and sustainability requirements.

What if building a city was a collaborative effort where every element worked in harmony? Sidewalk Labs is making that vision a reality, one sustainable and efficient city at a time. 

Sidewalk Labs supplies the visionary tools and expertise to bring your bold urban visions to life, and to make them last.


  • Urban design and simulation: Plan and simulate city environments with advanced tools.
  • Data-driven planning: Use real-world data to make smart decisions.
  • Sustainable development tools: Focus on creating eco-friendly urban spaces.


  • Holistic planning: Cover all aspects of urban development in your designs.
  • Informed decisions: Use data to optimize city layouts.
  • Sustainability: Prioritize green practices in urban planning like energy efficiency.

Use Cases:

  • City planning: Develop comprehensive plans for new areas.
  • Infrastructure projects: Design and optimize urban infrastructure.
  • Community development: Plan livable and sustainable communities.

7. Luma AI: Renovation Projects

Luma AI is the only tool you need for renovation projects if you want planning and executing updates to be a breeze.

Think of taking an old, worn-out space and transforming it into something fresh and new with absolute precision and efficiency. Luma AI allows you to meticulously plan every detail and visualize your changes before they happen so that every update is perfect.

Make smart choices about materials and get real-time support, and you'll be surprised at how effortlessly your renovation falls into place, with a level of sophistication that will impress. With this innovative platform, breathing new life into old spaces becomes an exciting and seamless journey.


  • Renovation planning: Develop detailed plans for renovation projects.
  • Visualization tools: See how changes will look before making them.
  • Material recommendations: Get suggestions for the best materials to use.


  • Precision: Plan renovations down to the smallest detail.
  • Visualization: Visualize updates before implementing them.
  • Efficiency: Choose the best materials and streamline the renovation process.

Use Cases:

  • Home renovations: Update and improve residential spaces.
  • Commercial renovations: Plan and execute updates to commercial properties.
  • Historical restorations: Renovate and preserve historical buildings, all while improving building performance.
architectural tools

How is AI Shaping the Future of Architectural Design?

What if designing buildings and systems could be infinitely more efficient? Artificial intelligence is turning this notion into a reality, reshaping the very fabric of the design process.

With AI on the job, architects can think big—really big—without getting bogged down in minutiae. It's the perfect teammate, crunching numbers, syncing blueprint details, and making sure everything adds up to a cohesive, stunning whole.

For instance, architectural tools are changing the game by taking over the grind of drafting, rendering, and organizing tons of paperwork. Now, architects can whip up accurate drawings and documents faster than ever, cutting down on mistakes and freeing up more time for important tasks like designing.

As architectural and technological landscapes evolve together, you should, too. Integrate AI into your workflow, starting with one of the most tedious design tasks: detail management.

Spend Less Time Managing Details With Pirros

Spend Less Time Managing Details With Pirros

Work towards project completion without the long and demanding process of detail documentation

With Pirros, you can log your design details in one place—one with advanced search, organization, and collaboration features, so you won't have to spend hours searching for every detail you need.

Spend less time on detail management and more time pouring creativity into your designs. Book a demo today!

FAQs About AI Architecture Tools

Are AI architectural tools only for professionals?

Not at all! Many AI tools are designed to be user-friendly, making them accessible to anyone interested in architectural design.

Do AI tools for architects replace human architects?

No, AI tools are there to assist and enhance the work of human architects, not replace them. They help streamline processes and provide new insights.

Are AI-generated designs reliable?

Yes, AI-generated designs are based on the input and criteria you provide. They offer a reliable starting point that you can further refine.

What are the prerequisites for deploying advanced AI techniques?

You need a solid understanding of machine learning concepts, proficiency in programming languages like Python, and familiarity with AI frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. Access to quality data and computational resources is also crucial.

Ari Baranian
CEO & Co-founder of Pirros
Ari is the CEO and Co-founder of Pirros, a detail management system for structural engineering & architecture firms. Before Ari co-founded Pirros, he was a practicing structural engineer working at KPFF where he created the Software Development Group to develop tools that streamline commonly encountered design problems to maximize efficiency and profits. Now, Ari spends his days developing Pirros, web based platform that makes it easy to reference info you need to detail.

Get your details closer to design-ready than they’ve ever been

Spend less time fussing with details, and more time designing with Pirros.